
My passion is to see society transform as individuals, teams, organisations and communities challenge their self-limiting beliefs and maximize their God-given potential.

Why a coach?
A coach is a strategic thinking partner who holds up a mirror to help you understand your relationships, interactions, social processes and dynamics within yourself and others. They help you see your blind spots and offer tools to help you grow and navigate life’s challenges.

I am a COMENSA registered Coach and work in association with a team of coaches who specialise in Life, Business, and Team-based Coaching.


What is the difference?

Life coaching

Helps you confront and understand conditions in your personal life that obstruct your growth towards your full potential, and gives you tools to facilitate growth and development.

Business coaching

Enables a business to analyse their present reality and determine their future directions. It is a powerful process that unlocks the full potential of the business, impacts business performance and enhances the team dynamics in the workplace.

Team coaching

Assists team members to become more self-directed, and goal orientated, improve quality and productivity, and build stronger more lasting relationships with each other and customers.  

Coaches create a context where individuals, businesses, and teams regularly work on the most important issues pertaining to them.  It allows for analysis, consolidation, integration, and growth.

Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions can be conducted in person or online and run for 60-120 minutes per session. 

6 – 10 coaching sessions are recommended to bring about significant shifts.

For more information contact myself or one of the coaches I work with.

Choice is powerful and we truly can choose a path of growth and freedom.

I specialise in the Whole Brain® Thinking, Belbin Team Roles, The Thinking Environment and have complete the Dare to Lead training.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl


“I tell everyone about how amazing this coaching process has been. I am enjoying business more and have made massive mind shifts. I am civil again, able to sleep much better and have a sense of direction. I’ve also started cold calling for the first time in 5 years and my business is growing.”

Business owner, Construction


“I found the life coaching a truly life changing experience!”

— Paula, CA

“Since I started seeing Kim, I’ve experienced some major changes which have been noticed by my colleagues, boss, friends, and family. The biggest encouragement for me is my huge increase in optimism, stress management, my ability to express myself and my interpersonal skills.”

—Financial Manager


“I was blown away by your Whole Brain® Systems Thinking methodology, unbelievable and  effortless”

- Thabo, SANParks


“These coaching sessions are gold”

— SANParks Contractor