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Breaking the shackles of COVID-19
Kim Ballantine Kim Ballantine

Breaking the shackles of COVID-19

The news that we would go into a phased move away from lockdown was somewhat encouraging. Some of us will be excited that we can get back to work & get on with things. Some of us will have become used to the “new normal” and may find it difficult to adjust back to the old ways of doing things. Of course there are those of us who will slide back into things as if nothing has happened.

Whatever your approach, can we really continue doing what we have always done?

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Emotions & COVID-19
Kim Ballantine Kim Ballantine

Emotions & COVID-19

The COVID-19 lockdown and its recent extension will be both physically and emotionally tough on many people. What this pandemic has done is to draw a line in the sand, which will create a pre- & post-COVID-19 distinction. It is during tough times though, that our true character is revealed

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Thinking About COVID-19
Kim Ballantine Kim Ballantine

Thinking About COVID-19

With whole world busy locking down and people having to work from home, there are many challenges facing managers, employees and family members alike.

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